The best part about this write up is ...
A person who is not artistically driven, is commenting upon the forms of art. It is said that if you are right brain dominant, then you are more of logical & practical and less of creative personality.
Well, I belong to this category!
My experience says ...
In your lifespan, this phase steps in when the art related DNA' takes the front seat. To me that phase is motherhood. It is very aptly said that 'A child gives birth to a mother', but also opens up the window for the "hidden artist" in you. * The basic task expected from a mother is to pacify a child, when he/she is cranky. This event provides a scope to a hidden poet or singer in you. You either sing lullaby/songs which are popular ones or which are your own creation.
*Another routine task is to put your child to sleep by telling them the stories. At this juncture, the writer as well as narrator sleeping inside you wakes up.
*For cultivating good food habits for your kid, a craftsman is born. You start paying more attention to color combination, shapes of different food stuff that you are preparing.
In this process, circular puri is transformed into different shapes and sizes, and the 'star. is born'. Ketchups aids to form smileys on parathas. A circular chapati gets rolled into a pipe.
The recipes are improved to paint the food stuffs in bright natural colors.
This touch of art to all these routine activities, divides the efforts involved in upbringing your child but multiplies the joy involved in the process. As your kid grows up, knowingly or unknowingly the artist inside you starts growing up resulting in building a platform for healthy cordial relationship!