We all know how Yoga can benefit us in many ways. It not only helps us to stay fit physically but also mentally. Yoga is not only about doing certain postures(asanas), its a process of gaining mastery over the mind. It is an all-round personality development. Yoga asanas are postures that are maintained with ease and for some time which we call "Sthiram sukham Asanam".
Being a Yoga teacher I would like to pen down my thoughts on "Yoga for Kids".
Children derive enormous benefits from yoga. When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life's challenges with a little more ease. Physically, it enhances their flexibility and over all strength. In addition, their concentration, sense of calmness and relaxation improves.
My daughter is 6 years old and practices Yoga regularly with me. I have seen tremendous changes in her after learning certain kinds of breathing and OM chanting. She he has become calm and disciplined.
I also believe that "A child's yoga practice is a rare opportunity to experience play and focus without worrying about being wrong".
Whether a pose is done standing, sitting, or lying down, each one can challenge various muscle groups while helping a child become aware of his body and how it efficiently functions.
Balance is a key element of yoga. Even if a child has difficulty standing on one foot, he/she learns mental and physical balance if child falls and gets up to try again.
Practicing poses helps child to clear its mind and focus on effort. Due to this, their ability to focus and concentrate increases which in-turn helps to concentrate better at schools and get better grades.
When a child masters a pose, it gives him confidence and self-esteem. This boosts their confidence and helps to face day to day challenges confidently.
As a Parent myself I can relate better, we always want our kids to behave mindfully. Yoga helps them to find inner peace and be happy.
Learning Yoga at an early age will act like a strong foundation for a better future.

I am a certified yoga teacher & conduct classes for kids under the banner "Immune club". We as a team of 3 teachers teach Yoga online. This makes it easy for children to do Yoga being at home while getting monitored by a teacher. For more details do scan the code alongside.